
Consortium Objectives

CDFS’ fundamental goal is to improve the digital forensic profession through unity, advocacy, and standardization. This mission cannot be accomplished without the voices of practitioners from all practice sectors. We are founded upon the principles of inclusiveness and consensus. CDFS resolves to practice and defend these core values. And it is with these ideals in mind that CDFS will accomplish the following objectives.

Advocate for and develop standards for the practice of digital forensics.
Review and endorse digital forensic academic and training programs.
Review and endorse digital forensic certification programs.
Promote and develop an enforceable ethical framework for digital forensic practitioners.
Promote the international cooperation of digital forensic practitioners.
Advocate on the behalf of digital forensic specialists.

Collaborative Self-Regulation

CDFS believes the most effective way to promote digital forensic standards of practice and competency is collaborative self-regulation by members of the profession. A collaborative, consensus-driven model will help digital forensic specialists unite to meet the challenges faced by today’s practitioner.

Filling a significant void, CDFS will be a unified voice to speak and advocate on the behalf of digital forensic professionals. CDFS endorses international cooperation to ensure that uniform minimum levels of competency are provided worldwide – particularly where digital evidence knows no geographic boundaries.

Instant credibility is the logical consequence to the collaborative development and refinement of standards for digital forensic certifications, training and academic programs, digital forensic laboratories, and digital forensic practitioners. CDFS will work with organizations and individuals striving to achieve this level of credibility. As a result, members of the public, the courts, employers, and regulators will quickly be able to discern a proficient and professional organization or practitioner from others.