Board Member – Todd G. Shipley

Todd G. Shipley, CFE, CFCE, is President and Chief Executive Officer of Vere Software, a company dedicated to developing tools to aid in the investigation of online crime. He has also authored works regarding cybercrime and speaks nationally and internationally on cybercrime investigations. He has participated as a planning panel member on the National Institute of Justices Technical Working Groups and has co-authored several books about digital forensics.

Todd is a retired City of Reno Police Detective Sergeant, where he served for 25 years. There he started and managed Nevada’s first cybercrime unit. Upon retirement he was selected as the Director of Systems Security and High Tech Crime Prevention Training for SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics. He oversaw a national program that provided expert technical assistance and training to local, state, and federal justice agencies on successfully conducting high-technology computer crimes investigations. In this position he was also the manager of the National Criminal Justice Computer Laboratory and Training Center. While there he helped to design and develop cybercrime training and published documents on cybercrime investigation.